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Spare parts in Ruse


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Yeah, the shop location is a bit dificult, but is's near bus and railway station. From there you could ask anyone or you can call me :) Actually before several weeks i had clients from romania and was very funny our conversation...some sort of bulgarian-romanian-english language... :D

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Like your hands were hurting from how much you speak :)))))

I guess you gonna have another client soon.

I'll make you a list here to tell me if you got the spare and aproximative price.


- clutch pipe

- brake distribuitor for rapid ( the one with 4 holes under the trunk)

- 130 front wings

- front skirt

- gasket for front brake calipper ( 4 pistons)

- windshield for rapid

- tampon for gearbox for rapid



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Sorry for the delay, i was trying to find a friend with some parts for Rapid \no results\. None of these we have in the shop, last parts for Rapid we sold before several years. Cant help ya... :(


p.s. damn.bad english. :oops:

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Mostly we have spare parts for Felicia,Fabia and Octavia. It's not so strange - in Ruse we have only 1 Rapid :!:

I'll try to find a friend wiht better english to translate the price list. Is this on the picture "skirt" and "wings" :?: :oops:




The price for these is 45lv for the wings and 40lv - skirt

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  • 1 месец по-късно...

@Favorit 1.3 LX: thnx man for everithing. Thnx for take us trought all places there. Sorry for this delay. I was very very busy.

I still want to come for other parts. Perhaps I sould give you some list to have time to bring the parts?

Thnx again......and nice car you have. Specialy the sound, and how you did the cover in the trunk....very nice.

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  • 3 седмици по-късно...


- i saw in your shop set of pistons and rubber gasket for front brake calippers. i want 4 set for 4 calippers

- give me a price for a set motor ( pistons+rings+cylinder) for 120. if you do not have, give me price for rings and cylinder only.

- main brake pump 22 diameter - 1 piece

- brake cylinder for rear brake - 4 pieces

- distribution chain+gears - 1 piece

- clear (or red+wihte) rear tale lights for 130 - 2 pieces


You have parts for 1000MB ?


That's all for the moment. Sorry for the long gap between messages. Hope see you soon



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  • 2 седмици по-късно...
does anyone knows what hapend to Favorit 1.3 LX? I need urgent some spares and there is no sign of him :cry:


Favorit 1.3 LX it's just missing...a lot of time he not write in Skoda Forum..i dont know what hapend with him ;);)

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- i saw in your shop set of pistons and rubber gasket for front brake calippers. i want 4 set for 4 calippers - i must check the quantity

- give me a price for a set motor ( pistons+rings+cylinder) for 120. if you do not have, give me price for rings and cylinder only. - 100euro kolbensmith

- main brake pump 22 diameter - 1 piece right now, we don't have any

- brake cylinder for rear brake - 4 pieces -27-28euro

- distribution chain+gears - 1 piece what's that? :oops:

- clear (or red+wihte) rear tale lights for 130 - 2 pieces we have \red+white\


You have parts for 1000MB ? - nothing,sorry

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- distribution chain+gears - 1 piece what's that? :oops:


Ако не греша - ангренажна верига и колелата към нея. :oops: В каталога на МВ-то ангренажната верига я водят Timing chain , а колелата - съответно camshaft timing wheel и distribution gear. Дано да съм бил полезен. Поздрави

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