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New member with Skoda Octavia Combi 4x4 1.8T from Greece


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my name is John and I am a member of the moderating team in skodaclub of greece.. skodaclub.gr :D


I learn for your forum from Blackpearl which wrote to our forum ;)


I am visiting Sofia from time to time for Business perpose and I have been at Sin City some times... (nice club) :lol::lol:


Here are some photos from my Octavia (klik for bigger)


p10100365oi.th.jpg p10100378ht.th.jpg p10100310qg.th.jpg p10100343dk.th.jpg

pa161457jz1.th.jpg pa131452od7.th.jpg 04122006035hd6.th.jpg


My FMIC from Seat Ibiza Cupra



My boost pressure with my new setup from Audi S3 (I have no dyno yet since I have it only for a month and it is to hot now)




All my Dynos from the time I bought my car.


First Dyno (October 2004) without any modifications

137,5 wheel horse power at 5400 RPM

21,8 kgm torque at 2250

(unfortunatly no photos from the dyno) :(


2nd At April 2005 with ABT program only

175,5 WHP at 4800

28,4 kgm torque at 2600 RPM

(again no photos) :(


3rd February 2006 with 1st stage modifications

Samco TIP, FMIC, full 63,5 exhaust, TTDA (air intake)

205,9 WHP at 5100 RPM

29,4 kgm torque at 2490 RPM


HP dyno1802200629rc.th.jpg HP _ Torq dyno1802200614pf.th.jpg


Boost - Intake Temp dynoboostlog180220067ga.th.jpg


My last (4th at March 2007) with program from Unitronic Chipped


213,6 WHP at 5250 RPM

36 kgm torque at 3300 RPM



HP dyno10032007powertl3.th.jpg HP _ Torq dyno10032007powertorqueuj1.th.jpg


HP at all speeds. dyno10032007gearpowerrr6.th.jpg Boost - Intake Temp boostdyno10032007kg0.th.jpg



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Hi John,


Glad to see you in our forum!


Very nice and lovely car-magnificient.


Sin City-you have style my friend!


You can be very useful for our BG memberst with Oktavia!(for advices,and modifications)!


Nice Seat FMIC-what happend with your original one?

What is the price for this FMIC in GREECE? It is not so big,so I can put it to my Fabia-right?

Or can i put the original 1.8 T from car like yours in my Fabia?


Best regards,


Iskren Jelev

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Hi, Thanks for the welcome and your good words :D:D


Nice Seat FMIC-what happend with your original one?

What is the price for this FMIC in GREECE? It is not so big,so I can put it to my Fabia-right?

Or can i put the original 1.8 T from car like yours in my Fabia?


The Original Intercooler from Octavia is a SMIC (Side Mount InterColler) and it s very small and it is installed at the right side of the car and does not get enough air :? That's why we are changing it.


The Seat FMIC here costs about 320 euro and an additional 300 (more or less) for istallation. :(


The size of the FMIC is 54x39x7 (length/height/width)


I believe since the FMIC is putted by Seat in Ibiza Cupra it would fit also and in your Fabia. ;)


here you can see some more pics of it.




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Thanks for the fast answer!

Nice car-nice pictures!

May be in the near future this will be my next step!

Any problems in hot summer days with the watter temperature?


The price is very good,may be I will buy it from Greece!

(wiht your help if you don't midn)

But this is in the near future :) !


Best regards,

Iskren Jelev

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Hi and welcome to the club Skodakias!


That`s some really good car you made! Impressive specs you achieved! Looking at it two things come to my mind - Fast & Furious and Gran Turismo ;)


It`s a really rare to have an L&K Combi + 4x4 wheeldrive, but it certainly looks great! I can only imagine how it feels when you step on the throttle on a straight or how it goes in a corner. And I really guess you would need these extra 270km/h gauges?? Have you tested the car what top speed could it achieve? I was quite impressed by one of our co-forumers who drives a 4x4 1.8T Octavia altered by ABT and which got 193 BHP - he took some of his time to do a spin with along and boy, that car goes well. And you got 20BHP over and very impressive torque!


And Vitolom is right - the steering wheel sure looks great!!! I wishyou all the careless drive there is in the world - without any technical problems, just pure joy!


And as time goes by we may meet on a Skoda Club Bulgaria meeting!

Looking forward to it!


P.S. By the way except for replacing the cooler what other hardware modifications did you make on the engine?

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thank you all for your good words :D


About my modifications I will write them down and I will post them in the near future ;)


Except engine modification I have also change my brakes...


front (stoptech 328 x 28 ) (klik for bigger photos)


The old .......



right .....

p10102546oo.th.jpg p10102562pm.th.jpg


and left ......

p10102574rp.th.jpg p10102589cf.th.jpg


and with the wheel on...

p10102622pg.th.jpg p10102633uw.th.jpg


and rear... (from Audi S3) - in the next two weeks I will change them with 308mm diameter rotor :D


The olds ... p3241637ee2.th.jpg p3241636zx3.th.jpg


From S3 :)

p3241642oj6.th.jpg p3241639to5.th.jpg


these few for now.. and I will come back and with other modifications and photos :lol::lol:;)

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Awesome pics-and brakes of course.

Super front look!


Congratulations-you are a true "sick" fan!


Best regards,

Iskren Jelev

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