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No difference for european :mrgreen: Don't forget we are part of europe and it is mandatory to have the same prices. Remember the ski lift prices...




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Ok, i won't argue - here are the facts - i just found them in our legislation:

Sorry for the quality of the translarion - i'm into rush...[/url]

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Vlado :)


It simply says that weekly vignete is 10lv or 5euro. Considering the exchange rate of 1.955 it means that paying in euro is even cheaper :mrgreen:




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sdandrei , here is a link about some of the Bulgarian mountains http://www.motoroads.com/bulgaria-mountains.html.


Also there are a lot of interesting places which you should see. For example the castle of Romanian princess Maria in Balchik, Aladja monastery - both are near Varna. Also the ancient cities of Nesebar and Sozopol - they are in the South side of the Black sea coast.

You should also visit the ancient fortress of "Tsarevets", near Veliko Tarnovo . The historical part of Plovdiv and so on, and so on. And ofcourse Rila Monastery. All you need is time and some money to do all this. Bulgaria is a beutiful country, you`ll see this when you come here.


Best Regards :)

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Vlado :)


It simply says that weekly vignete is 10lv or 5euro. Considering the exchange rate of 1.955 it means that paying in euro is even cheaper :mrgreen:




yes, :smt038 ! I have muddled the vehicle classes, but i believe our friends had got the idea ;)

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sdandrei, you should also visit ancient fortress in Cherven - small village near Russe ;) It is small version of ancient fortress of "Tsarevets", near Veliko Tarnovo. Amazing beauty :)

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Hey dude. Let me know when big rock bands are vizting your country. Cheers...


Man, unfortunately right now I'm not in Bulgaria. I was talking for US and the gigs here. The last few big bands that we visiting was Godsmack, Guns N' Roses and Red Hot Chilli Peppers. Unfortunately, I'll miss Iron Maden in Bulgaria. But, there is a small chance for me to be in BG at the same time, so...I'll try. But it's too early - we'll see! If we met on this gig, you gotta know that will be a lot of drink times too. So don't put in your heads plans to came just to see Iron Maden and go back. You gotta stay and go party after the concert with our agents from Skoda club (and me, if I make it for this gig)! So...as I say it before - Let's ROCK!!!

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does any body know if we must have another green card or is enough the green card that we have payed when we did our ensurance :?:


It is hard to say. Bulgarians are accepted in EU but a man have to get additional document which costs 3.5 euro. You have to check with your drivers associations.


Best Regards,


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You gotta stay and go party after the concert with our agents from Skoda club (and me, if I make it for this gig)! So...as I say it before - Let's ROCK!!!




If this is the rule :cry: ......I obey :mrgreen:




@yosif: thnx for the links. very usefull

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This is a karting track.

The only one racing track in Bulgaria is near Plovdiv (Kaloianovo) but it is less than 2km long.


Тxl, you've forgot the airport in Bojurishte, but it's a drag-racing track

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