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Фото-каталог шкода 110R Coupe / Photo-katalog Skoda 110R


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Дорагие друзя


Извините пажалста ашибки но по Руски я много годов неписал.

Я думаю што вы по руски будете понимат.

По Булгарскому языку я незнаю.


Маё имя Martin Sulc ( Шулц ) из Чехии.


Я занимаемся самим красивим чехословацким автамаьбилом Шкода 110р цоупе.


Можно смотрит мой веб www.skoda110r.COM - прастите толко по Чешскому языку.


B году 2010 будет 40 годов от пастроения первой Ш110р.


К етому историческому моменту я хачу написат книгу.

Самим болшим отрядом книги будет фото-каталог всех ш110р каторие ещо живут в мире. И всех ейо модификацией.


Електронический фото-каталог уже здес




Я имею балшию просьбу для вас - скажите пожалста аб этом пройекте владельцом автомобилей Шкода 110р ( Skoda 110R COUPE ) каторие знаете.


Пусть пожалста пишут на ми мейл Martysulc@seznam.cz для точное информацие и инструкцие.


Спасибо для всё








I am Marty from Czech Republic - Matherland of Skoda cars.


My big hobbyes is Skoda 110R - look my web www.skoda110R.COM

( unfortunately only in czech language )


In the 2010 will be 40. jubilee production first car of skoda 110R Coupe.


For this jubilee I want publish book about history and models this cars.

Big section in the book will be PHOTO-KATALOG skoda 11OR coupe cars

which are still live and still nice


About 20 cars is allready registered in the web version of this Photo-katalog:



Why am I writing in here ?


Because I know that some cars Skoda 110R live in the Bulgaria too.


I have big reguest






Thank you very much



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Wellcome and congratulations for your good idea! I'll send to You some pictures of my 110R.

Pleace notice that we have a special part of our forum for english speakers foreign guests: http://skodaclub-bg.org/forum/viewforum.php?f=40


You can read there about our past and future meetings and other events, and see some pictures of our cars (including 110R :))

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Hi Krankenstein, I am sorry, I don´t know, about special forum for foreign guests.


Now what can I do ? Can I delete this tema and create new in the



or You can transport this tema to http://skodaclub-bg.org/forum/viewforum.php?f=40




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Hi Martin,

Congrats. for the great idea you have! I hope we'll see it for real ;) Please, keep us informed for this project.

I just moved the topic to the right place and I leave this link for few days. Then it will be erased.

I hope you'll find some material here ;)

Take care & good luck!

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Hi Martin,

... but the 110r has not been imported in Bulgaria officialy...

All the best and keep in touch



I cant't agree with You, mr. Kolev - 110R have been importet, but in short time period in years 1975-76 and in very small number of cars.

I personally know an old man, who buys his 110R brand new in year '75 from Technical fair in Plovdiv. Some 110R-s have been sold by Mototechnika in Sofia in this period, but mostly to members of communist party elite, like comrade Vladimir Jivkov, etc. ;)

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  • 1 месец по-късно...
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Hello my Burgarian friends,


I have a greate news about the Photo-catalogue Skoda 110r Coupe project from http://www.skoda110r.com.


Books have been printed :-)




To the project have been registrated 555 cars S110R from 25 countries include Australia, New Zaeland, Malta and Japan.

And surely Bulgaria :-)


About book:


Size A4 on LENGTH

612 pages

hard cover

chalk paper

app. 2000 photography

99% colors photography

All texts are in 3 languages ( in ONE book ) CZ - EN - D

Price of book is 40 Euro


Contens of the book :


- History of s110r, its models, how to identify model, Overview of serial body numbers,

building series with engine numbers,

Overview of export s110r in 1970-80 by my friend Lucie Kempna with her consent,

Overview of history and actual quantity of cars s110r in Czech republic . . .


- Photo-catalogue š110r - 555 pages - each car in one A4 page,

Big photo of entire car and interior and engine pics smaller.

All text and numbers from your registration form and consent with published.





- Cca 2 pages A4 art photography of unidentify wreck s110r from

collection photographer Vladimír Cettl


- Cca 5 pages ( air photography too ) from Photo catalogue

meeting in Kvasiny Skoda faktory in 28.8.2010


we celebrated 40. years from builded first s110r.


In meeting participated 175 s110r cars - we maked 4 record to Record book


1) s110R cars in convoy - 171 cars

2) s110R in one square - 175 cars

3) s110R in celebrating label - 163 cars

4) peoples maked big logo skoda - 504 peoples


From airplane we maked very greate unique phoography :



( Photo from meeting will be in Photo-Catalogue Book )


Label from 163 cars s110R say :









If you like Skoda 110r Coupe, please look at http://skoda110r.com/

There are next informations about book.


Hi Martin


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smile126 Great job, pal! =D> =D> =D> If it was happened few years ago probably I've participate in this remarkable event too... but in this chrysis now, what to do? smile049

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